Riserva naturale orientata dello Zingaro

The coast of the gypsy is one of the few stretches of coast of Sicily is not contaminated by the presence of a coastal road . winds for about 7 km and connects the input of Scopello to that of San Vito Lo Capo.

Castellammare del Golfo

Beautiful and varied is the Castellammarese coast, ranging from the large beach of fine sand of Playa, east of the country, to the rocky stretch interrupted by picturesque bays in the north-west of the village.

Egadi Isles

Egadi Isles consists of three islands and islets due. Already in antiquity were known by the Latin name comes from the greek aigatai Aegates, that «islands of the goats»


It was located on an island that is six stages from Sicily and was embellished artistically in the highest degree with many beautiful homes, thanks to the prosperity of the inhabitants.(Diodoro Siculo)

Tonnara di Scopello

The trap of Scopello is one of the most important and old of all over Sicily , the first buildings date back to the thirteenth century , the trap itself was built in the fifteenth century by Giovanni Sanclemente and extended family Sanclemente during the sixteenth century , then it passed the company of Jesus, and finally to the florio family .